All members in good standing should be prepared to vote.
Looking forward to MACCW CONVENTION 2017!
Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women
All members in good standing should be prepared to vote.
Looking forward to MACCW CONVENTION 2017!
The Winter Edition of News Notes 2016 is now available.
The Fall 2016 Edition of News Notes is now avaliable.
You are invited to attend the Day of Reflection on Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 10AM to 3PM at St. John Vianney College Seminary. $20 per person (includes lunch). RSVP Marcia Perez (No later than January 16, 2017)
The Summer 2016 edition of News Notes is now available.
View previous News Notes here
The March 2016 edition of News Notes is now avaliable.
Please mark your calendars and save the date for our next MACCW Scholarship Luncheon. It will take place on February 26th, 2017 and will be held at the Embassy Suites, Ft. Lauderdale on the 17th Street Causeway. Please make sure you attend. Your participation is what makes this event such a success!
On April 1, 2016 a new campaign was announced by the National Council of Catholic Women.
Council members are doing good deeds, serving those in need, and praying for others every day. It is who we are. It is our call and our mission, every day—in big and small ways.
Million Works of Mercy fill-out form-NCCW (MACCW) (5)
Cathy Donn will be our coordinator for this project (All information to contact her is listed on the form).