“Our mission is singular, to be united with Mary as our guide.”

Things will always be different since COVID, there is life before COVID, life during COVID, and life after COVID.  Times have changed and going forward we will always be more of a virtual world, but we also must remember that we, as a ministry, must always be a community who gathers together in person, to pray, to help others, to minister to others.  We are Catholic Woman who follow in Mary’s steps, that is why I have chosen the theme “Our mission is singular, to be united with Mary as our guide.”

The objectives of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (MACCW) is to unite the Catholic organizations of women of this Archdiocese in purpose, direction and action in religious, educational, legislative, social and economic fields; to stimulate these organizations to greater efficiency in meeting the needs of the times; and to render them assistance in these efforts. We give full support to the statements and programs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Some of our Programs and Activities:

  • Seminarian Burse Fund – Join MACCW Penny-a-Day Club to support & pray for vocations.
  • Scholarship Fund – Awards financial assistance to 8th grade girls to continue Catholic School
  • Chastity Day – Program for 8th grade students regarding Choices and Chastity
  • Catholic Days at the Capitol – Visit with legislators in Tallahassee and attend the Red Mass
  • Layette Mass – Outreach to expectant mothers in need from the community
  • Discalced Carmelites – Assist with fundraising efforts to build their monastery.
  • Hugs for the Homeless – Fundraising for Statewide assistance for the homeless

My message to you Ladies is the same as our previous Presidents:  Come Join Us! Be the Voice of Catholic Women!  Serve through Faith, Prayer and Action!
Come Share our Joy, Spirituality, and have Fun with us!

Blessings and joy,

Karen Lorenzen -President MACCW

2022 – 2024

Boxes of Joy 2023

The Boxes of Joy are ready to be distributed to all who wish to join in.  To order your boxes, just register at: crosscatholic.org/box-of-joy.

Drop off  between Saturday Nov 4th to Friday Nov 12th from 9am to 5 pm at the Drop Off Center at 10239 NW 62 St. Doral Fl.  For each box packed, please donate $9 towards the shipping costs.

Coordinator, Dawn Kaszubowski may be contacted at 1-800-914-2420



The Shepherd Project

Champion Shrine’s Shepherd Project

As our world faces a shortage of peace and an increase in division and attacks within our families and the Church, our Bishops face extreme challenges. This is why they need our prayers, now more than ever, for the graces necessary to heroically lead people of faith in these times.

This is what inspired the Shrine’s Shepherd Project – a season of prayer for each Bishop across the United States.

Join us as we offer up our prayers for a Bishop a day to the Blessed Mother from May 1 to the end of October. For a full list of the Bishops being prayed for from now to the end of October, visit championshrine.org/shepherd-project

Let Us Pray Today For…

Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski

Archdiocese of Miami, FL

Jesus, Good Shepherd, You sent us the Holy Spirit to guide Your Church and lead her faithful to You through the ministry of the successors of Your Apostles, the bishops.

Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, grant to Your bishops wisdom in leading, faithfulness in teaching, and holiness in guarding Your sacred Mysteries.

As they cry out with all the faithful, “Our Father,” may Your bishops be ever more closely identified with You in Your Divine Sonship and offer their own lives with You, the one saving Victim.

Renew in Your bishops deeper faith, greater trust in You, childlike reliance on our Mother Mary, and unwavering fidelity to the Holy Catholic Church.

Our Lady of Champion, pray for Your bishops.

Sts. Peter & Paul, pray for them.

St. Andrew, pray for them.

St. James the Greater, pray for them.

St. John, pray for them.

St. Thomas, pray for them.

St. James the Lesser, pray for them.

St. Philip, pray for them.

St. Bartholomew, pray for them.

St. Matthew, pray for them.

Sts. Simon & Jude, pray for them.

St. Matthias, pray for them.

St. John Vianney, pray for them.

St. Methodius, pray for them.

St. Joseph, protect them.

St. Michael, defend them.

All you saints in heaven, pray for them.


Note: Prayer adapted from the Confraternity of Jesus – a Prayer for Our Bishops.

2023 Haitian Mass Cancelled

The Miami Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women cordially invites you to attend the Haitian mass and reception that will be held to provide complete layettes for Soon-to-be-Haitian mothers.

Date: This event has been cancelled

Time: Mass at 10:00am, Layette following mass

Where: Cathedral of St. Mary, 7525 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33150

Donation of Baby Items Welcome

RSVP To Claudia Charles (786-261-9038)

Click here to View/Download Haitian Mass 2023 Ad